Research Articles (Published online: 15-12-2021)

The objective of this study was to determine changes in hemogram due to natural piroplasmosis in
horses. For this purpose, 254 royal stallions made up of the 'Arewa' breed and its crosses with Sudanese and
Arabian breeds were physically examined for signs of ill-health and samples of blood and feces were collected
1 randomly. The horses were 4 / to 14 years old. Five emirates (Bida, Agaie, Minna, Lapai and Borgu) in Niger 2
state, Nigeria, were the areas covered in sampling. Parasitemia, Packed cells volume, total/differential
leucocytes counts were determined using Giemsa-stained thin blood smear on light microscope,
microhematocrit centrifuge and hemocytometer techniques respectively. Feces were microscopically studied
using floatation/sedimentation techniques for eggs of gastrointestinal parasites to ascertain the effect of
concurrent piroplasmosis and gastrointestinal parasitism on hemogram. From the result, the horses were
grouped into 5 based on their infection status. Fifty one horses tested positive for piroplasmosis. Data were
analyzed using multiple range tests (Duncan procedure). The packed cells volume of horses with piroplasmosis
(P) =29.6%±0.9 and those with mixed piroplasmosis+gastrointestinal parasites infection (P-gip) =28.0%±1.2
were significantly lower (P<0.01) than observed for negative/ apparently healthy horses (Nah) =35.8%±0.7c.
9 9 Total white blood cells for P =12.2 x 10 /L ±0.7, P-gip =13.9 x 10 /L ±1.5 and segmented neutrophils for P=
31.5% ±2.1, P-gip =29.7% ±2.3 groups were significantly low (P<0.05). It is concluded that Nigerian royal
horses with natural piroplasmosis encounter changes in hemogram in the forms hemolytic anemia, neutrophilic
leucopenia and lymphocytosis.
Key words: Hemogram, changes, piroplasmosis, horses, Nigeria.

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Article history: Received: 15-12-2021, Accepted : 15-12-2021, Published online: 15-12-2021